The Center for Educational Technologies®
Badges for NASA Activities
How to Earn Badges
Badges must be EARNED to be valuable. Here are four ways to earn badges:
1. Badges may be automatically issued for tasks that computers can evaluate. If a learner successfully completes the activity with at least a final online component, the computer checks the learner work, and if correct directs the person to pick up the badge at the Mozilla Backpack site.
2. Teachers or youth group leaders may issue badges to their students/members who have successfully completed a badgeable activity as a group.
3. NASA competition staff may issue badges as team members advance through different levels of a competition.
4. Some badges require learners to submit proof that they completed the activities and met the activity requirements. For instance, an engineering design challenge might require a learner to build a model – such as the shoebox glider, then improve it. The learner would be directed to a website or elsewhere to send images of the stages of the model construction and a description of the changes made and the improved results. Or, the learner might create a YouTube video documenting the activity requirements, and then submit the URL as evidence that the badge was earned. A reviewer would look over the submission, then – when she/he confirms the criteria are met – issue the badge.
Not in a Class or Club, etc.?
When doing an activity completely on your own (not in a class or club), and no website is given for submitting a badge, go to Badges for NASA Activities under the STEM Collaborative on Follow the instructions at the top of the page. Read the “Group Announcements” to learn about new badges.
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